40 Gratitudes for 40 Years

This week I’m in the throes of a milestone birthday. Today, in fact, is my 40th birthday! I’m home celebrating with my family, letting them spoil me by doing all the cooking and cleaning all weekend! And, of course, we’ll be playing lots of boardgames.

Big birthdays (and even small ones) give me a chance to look over the past years and see the events that have brought me to where I am today. Reflecting on 40 years of life, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the journey God has led me through. From the highs to the lows, every moment has shaped me into the person I am today—a Christian woman deeply grateful for all the blessings that have adorned my path.

Today, I celebrate not just another year but a life filled with moments of grace, growth, and countless reasons to give thanks. My heart overflows with joy, and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than to write my top 40 gratitudes today. Here goes, in no particular order:

  1. My husband whose love enlivens and strengthens me each day.

  2. My four daughters, who teach me answers to questions I didn’t even think to ask.

  3. Our home, the place where love is found.

  4. My mom, the woman who taught me what it means to be a mom.

  5. My minivan, which gets me where I need to go.

  6. My five sweet children who have preceded me to heaven and intercede on behalf of our family.

  7. Sunshine.

  8. Access to nourishing food and clean water every day of my life.

  9. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

  10. Summer break.

  11. My best friend, the person who has laughed and cried with me for more years than I have fingers and toes.

  12. The success of my chapter book series, Adventures with the Saints.

  13. Author Jacqueline Brown who introduced me to the Catholic Writers Guild and Catholic fiction.

  14. The Catholic Writers Guild and all of its members and volunteers who are responsible for launching me into the world of Catholic writing.

  15. My God-given talents and passions, particularly writing.

  16. Laughter.

  17. Tears.

  18. The deserts of my life that have shaped me into who I am today.

  19. The pilgrimage to Poland my husband and I took this year.

  20. The pilgrimage to Portugal I was gifted several years ago during which I experienced miracles.

  21. The move to Manhattan, KS, and all the moves we have taken that have brought us to new places and new people.

  22. The Eucharist.

  23. The many many cities, states, and countries in which I have been able to receive Jesus, because no matter where I travel, He is truly present.

  24. The countless saints who walk this journey with me, especially St. Thérèse and St. Martha.

  25. The readers who take time to write gracious reviews and comments to me, encouraging me through the more trying times as an author.

  26. Board games.

  27. Family vacations.

  28. My spiritual director who is guiding me down the path I so desire to be on.

  29. Fresh fruit.

  30. Unfaltering faith, even when I don’t quite get it all.

  31. Corrective lenses. Seriously, I wouldn’t be able to read without them.

  32. Books and all the hours of pleasure I’ve had devouring them.

  33. Every teacher I ever had.

  34. Tea.

  35. Warm, soul-affirming hugs.

  36. First snowfalls every year. They never get old.

  37. Divine Mercy.

  38. Podcasts and their hosts.

  39. Virtual video conferencing, unlimited talk and text, and other ways I keep up with those I love who live far away.

  40. You, for giving me someone to keep writing for. Thank you.

Cheers to 40 years of God's faithfulness and to many more chapters yet to be written!

Copyright 2024 Maria Riley
Images: Canva

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