I Started a Blog

I Started a Blog! 

I know that for many people, something like starting a blog doesn’t warrant a, well, blog post, but this is where I am today. God has started me (and my husband) down this unexpected path that involves a significant change in our lives. Like, a major paradigm shift. Me - the frugal, stay-at-home mom who honestly never really intended to join the paid workforce. I’m being thrust into the world of making money to provide for my family. Because my husband - the hardworking, my-job-is-my-vocation-and-identity primary breadwinner - has stepped away from the 9-to-5 (plus nights and weekends and other duties as assigned) world in order to get this whole writing career off the ground. 

It all started with an idea for a book. That’s really all it ever takes, one good idea that plants itself in your brain, and through diligent watering and pruning from the Holy Spirit, a single idea can change the direction of your life. One day, I found myself reading along with one daughter (we have four of them), and I realized that though the secular book we read together wasn’t bad or harmful, it was a tremendous wasted opportunity. What if the simple story about kids like her included things like praying and learning about saints? What if her faith formation spilled over to her reading homework? What if this simple idea could help other kids grow as readers and grow in our beautiful faith at the same time? 

Of course, this idea was planted when my husband still held a traditional job (you know, the kind that pays you in regular, expected intervals). So the Holy Spirit didn’t need to do much pruning and watering for me to run with it. All four girls attended school together, and that beautiful gift of time between the morning bus route and the afternoon bus route was well spent helping that simple idea bloom into a reality. 

Then my husband’s traditional job vanished. In hindsight, I can tell that it was built on sand, and not a solid foundation (cf. Matthew 7:26), but at the time, the shock and fear was debilitating. Through months (not weeks and definitely not days), my husband and I grew in faith, had some deeply challenging conversations, and came to understand that this, like all the crosses in our lives, is a beautiful gift from God. A chance to redirect our ship’s heading. So few people get this chance in the middle of their careers, and we decided to not waste it. 

Exciting things are coming. God gave me a talent to write, and I choose to not bury it but, instead, to use it to write books, articles and now blog posts(!), so that in my small way, I can be part of the solution (cf. Matthew 25:14-30). I want to create positive content and follow wherever He may lead. I never could have imagined it would have brought me here, so I’ve stopped trying to imagine where it’s going. All I know is that with God as my guide, it’s gonna be good. I can’t wait, and I’m so excited you want to come along with me. 

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It’s Time To Do the Hard Thing